The Community Impact Process Needs Your Help!

United Way of Carlisle and Cumberland County

The Community Impact Process Needs Your Help!

 Every year United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County recruits individuals to serve on Community Impact panels; these volunteers review and recommend the funding levels for United Way Partner Agencies from the moneys raised during the annual campaign. It is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about our community and the agencies that meet its most vital needs. Each of the panels has a specific focus-Education, Income, Health, and Safety Net services. 

We are inviting you to serve on one of these panels.

Volunteers participate in a special training session that will provide background of the United Way community impact process. In addition they tour the programs, review agency information and ultimately make recommendations regarding human service delivery in the Greater Carlisle community. This important volunteer role requires 8 to 10 hours from late September to mid-November.  Interested in learning more? Contact Barrie Ann George, Community Impact Director at 243-4805 or [email protected]