Partner Programs

United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County

Our Community Impact Partner Programs:

Providing Fundamental Building Blocks for a Better Quality of Life

UWCCC’s Mission: To unite people and resources to build a stronger, healthier Carlisle & Cumberland County.

United Way looks to impact the areas of greatest need within our community. You will find the our partners (centered & bold) along their programs and descriptions, categorized into one of four impact areas served: Health (H), Education (E), Financial Stablity (F), & Safety Net (S).

Amelia S. Givin Library

Children’s Services (E)

The preschool storytime program presents structured storytime sessions to children ages 0-5 and their families that build an interest in reading and develop literacy and social/motor skills. These skills include group participation, drawing/writing activities, and spoken vocabulary development through the use of rhymes, songs, and games. Another program, “Ready, Set, Go!” is a kindergarten readiness program. Those sessions are designed to help prepare rising kindergartners with the skills necessary to have a successful beginning school experience and to develop reading skills. An important part of the program is also to involve the parent in the process and show them how to work with their child at home to build literacy skills.

Big Brothers Big Sisters

Mentoring (E)

Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Capital Region (BBBSCR) creates and supports one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. We unite youth (Littles) with caring, positive adult role models (Bigs) who inspire youth to explore and embrace their dreams, even when it’s difficult. Together, they clear a path to success by breaking societal barriers, closing opportunity gaps and overcoming adversities like poverty and identity-based discrimination. Our evidence-based program builds social and emotional support, confidence and resilience. Youth in our programs are more confident, build strong relationships, avoid risky behaviors and have positive attitudes towards school. BBBSCR staff communicate with parents, volunteers and youth throughout the lifetime of the match, providing guidance, resources, trainings, activities and general support. BBBSCR also partners with local school districts and other social service organizations to provide wrap-around support services and comprehensive care solutions.

Bosler Memorial Library

Preschool Youth Services Programs (E)

Bosler Memorial Library’s Preschool Youth Services Programs feature high-quality, developmentally and educationally appropriate early learning experiences and opportunities for children and their parents/caregivers from infancy through kindergarten. Programming at the library begins at birth, as the earliest years are the most critical. The library’s programming objectives are to both engage and inspire young minds and to mentor and model for parents and caregivers how best to make the most of these early formative years.

Community C.A.R.E.S.

Resource Center (S)

The main goal of the Resource Center is to assist the homeless in overcoming their unique obstacles to obtaining and maintaining housing. All clients are assigned a Supportive Services Coordinator. Depending on individual circumstances and needs, the coordinator will then connect the client to the appropriate services, such as educational and employment programs, medical, legal, or veterans’ services. The center also provides a home base, a place to take a shower, wash clothes, store backpacks, make and receive phone calls, and receive mail.

Carlisle Early Education Center

Childcare Scholarships (E)

Child care programs include full-time care offered to infants through preschool age. The children receive breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack. One of the goals at Carlisle Early Education Center is to offer quality care to the children who would be considered at risk if they did not have the proper start in education. United Way funds are used to provide scholarships for low-income families.

Carlisle Family YMCA

Camp Scholarships (E)

YMCA camping services provides 11 weeklong sessions of day camp and four sessions of seven-day resident camp, each age-specific. All camps are certified by the American Camping Association.  Day camps include traditional camp activities such as arts and crafts, games, cooking, swimming, field trips, fishing, environmental education, and sports.  Resident Camp provides a more unique outdoor experience and includes outdoor living skills, canoeing, low- and high-rope course work and leadership development.  United Way funds are used to provide scholarships for low-income families.

Child Care Scholarships (E)

This three-star state-licensed program provides a safe and affordable full-day care for infant to preschool children while their parents are at work. There are age-appropriate activities offered in a nurturing environment designed to stimulate the social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development of the children. United Way funds are used to help cover tuition costs for low income families.

Community Youth (E)

The YMCA provides a variety of activities and programs for youth during the non-school hours where they build healthy, positive relationships with their peers and caring adults. The program fosters youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. Full or partial scholarships are provided for youth, teen, sports and aquatic programs and membership services to low income youth. Accessible services include wellness center, swimming pool, basketball court, racquetball courts, internet access, and social opportunities.

Carlisle Victory Circle

Victory Circle for CASD Middle and High School Students (E)

Carlisle Victory Circle programs are designed to teach minority and under-represented middle and high school students in the Carlisle Area School District to dream dreams, to set goals, to work to achieve those goals, to see themselves as necessary contributors to their community, and to see themselves as someone who is worthy. CVC achieves this through a four-pronged approach: in-school clubs, after-school homework assistance, cultural and educational activities, and community service.

CONTACT Helpline

Listening, Information & Referral Hotline (H)

CONTACT Helpline provides a 24-hour listening, information and referral service. The helpline is answered by highly trained volunteers. By dialing 2-1-1, callers are assisted with finding health and human services resources in our community such as food, clothing, counseling, and addiction services. The phone workers use a comprehensive database which lists over 900 agencies and 2,000 programs for the tri-county community. In addition, callers are provided with the opportunity to discuss any issue or concern. The phone workers listen without judgment or giving advice, allowing callers to share their most difficult problems in a safe environment. The helpline services are free, anonymous, and available 24 hours a day.

CPARC – The Arc of Cumberland & Perry Counties

Residential Program (H)

The residential program provides supervised living arrangements for people with intellectual disabilities. The mission is to assist each individual to gain independent skills and become involved in community life. Living arrangements include group homes, apartment living, family living, and a community support program, which provides individualized service to people in their own home.

Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland and Perry Counties

Emergency Shelter (S)

The emergency shelter program provides a time-limited stay for all adult victims of domestic violence and their dependent children with extensions granted on a case-by-case basis.  One of the program goals is to create a safe place for victims of domestic violence by providing confidential shelter and a supportive living environment that allows residents to make informed choices about their future. Both individual and group counseling use an empowerment and educational model and are available to both resident and non-resident clients. An individual case review is conducted on a weekly basis, and the needs of the guests are addressed.  Legal advocacy is available to all victims as well.

Employment Skills Center

GED Program (E)

Anyone over the age of 17 who does not hold a high school diploma or a credential is eligible for the program. The program operates year-round, with four class locations in Carlisle. Classes are offered both during the daytime and evening hours. Participants may also be paired with a private tutor if requested, particularly for those students whose schedules may not be conducive to classroom hours or who may have certain barriers/feel discomfort in a classroom environment. Case management is provided for all participants to help ensure that they meet their academic and employment goals. Instruction is specific to the five GED content areas of writing skills, literature and the arts (reading), mathematics, science, and social studies. Official practice tests are given to determine readiness for the GED exam. All programs are free of charge.


ESL classes provide learners with the English skills that are necessary to advance their educational and employment levels and/or become citizens of the United States. Classes are offered on a beginner and an intermediate level to address the needs of all learners. In addition, an emerging speakers class is offered that is open to anyone who falls below the beginner level.  Private tutors are available to those who are unable to attend classroom sessions.

Literacy (E)

The literacy program provides fundamental skills in reading, writing, and math. Two classes are available: one for learners who are at or below a 3rd grade reading level, and one for learners who tested between a 4th and 6th grade reading level. Once students advance past the 6th grade level, they are eligible for the GED classes. Private tutors are also available. Without basic literacy skills, adults are unable to move forward in many aspects of their lives. The program teaches the skills that allow the learners to participate in community activities, employment, and further training if appropriate.

Hope Station

Hope Station is on hiatus for funding for 2024.

Hospice of Central PA

Palliative Care & Music Therapy (S)

Palliative care is a medical field that helps patients find relief from symptoms associated with a serious chronic illness. Palliative care also assists patients and families with treatment decisions and emotional issues related to serious illness. Palliative care can improve quality of daily life by providing relief from physical symptoms including pain, fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite and shortness of breath. By lessening physical symptoms, individuals may be better able to tolerate medical treatments. Palliative care can also lessen the level of emotional stress and can help to better match treatment plans to individual and family goals.  

Music Therapy is a complimentary therapy for end-of-life patients and is typically provided with stringed instruments as the vibrations can have a positive impact on the body and can be very comforting.  Effects at the bedside may include decrease in labored breathing, decreased physical discomfort/pain, decreased anxiety, decreased restlessness and improved sleep.  It can also be an emotional experience for patients and families to reminisce, do life review and physically connect while the music is playing.

Maranatha – Carlisle

Financial Management Services (F)

The program actively manages finances for clients, ensuring that basic needs are met and expenses are covered throughout the month. A spending plan is developed in coordination with the client, their creditors, and, if appropriate, a case manager. The client’s income is directed to Maranatha’s office, and the plan is implemented. Client bills are paid directly from Maranatha’s accounts set up for this purpose, and spending checks are mailed weekly to clients for food and out of pocket expenses. After basic needs are met, and if funds allow, debt repayment is also addressed. Clients, who are able, are encouraged to assist in the management of their funds and eventually assume full control of their income.

MidPenn Legal Services

Critical Help for Critical Moments (S)

A multi-faceted project with four components: housing, family, consumer, and income maintenance. MidPenn provides legal representation and advice to low-income tenants to enable them to secure and maintain safe, affordable housing. They also provide legal advice and representation to low-income individuals in custody and divorce matters where a child’s safely is at risk; a parent is denied contact with his/her child; or where a child has been taken from a primary caregiver without permission. Low-income consumers facing unfair debt collection or predatory lending practices are also given advice and representation. Finally, MidPenn helps those who need help in public benefits such as Unemployment Compensation, Food Stamps, access to health care and other programs.

Domestic Violence Services (S)

This program provides legal advice and/or representation to domestic violence survivors in the Greater Carlisle Area. The goal is to provide the support and legal expertise necessary to aid the clients to obtain a life free of abuse. MidPenn assists survivors with obtaining a Protection from Abuse (PFA) order from the Court of Common Pleas, which gives the survivor a legally enforceable way to protect him/herself from further abuse. Options also include counseling and the issuance of warning letters to abusers when appropriate. Representation is provided without regard to income.

Project SHARE

Core Programs (S)

Project SHARE’s main program is access to nutritious food boxes for low-income people. Food boxes contain 60 to 65 nutritious fresh, frozen, and canned food items, approximately one week’s worth of groceries for a family of four. Food distribution occurs four days per month over the course of one week. A weekly clothing distribution provides free clothing and household items on non-food distribution weeks. Teams of volunteers also deliver food to homebound recipients. Project SHARE provides food-filled bags on Friday afternoons to students who are unsupervised during the weekend and need help with non-cook food items. The bags are picked up again on Monday and refilled for the following weekend. Volunteers and program recipients also glean/harvest at over 30 local farms and orchards to reduce food waste. Fresh fruits and vegetables are given away at Project SHARE’s farm stand year round. “Food for Life” and “Kids in the Kitchen” programs offer nutrition and cooking education.

The RASE Project

RASE of Carlisle (Recovery, Advocacy, Service & Empowerment) (H)

The Carlisle RASE house offers transitional housing and recovery-oriented programming to women. It offers continuous monitoring and comprehensive, holistic recovery-based support services to the residents that include assessments, referral, recovery planning, updates, weekly face-to-face sessions, day-to-day service monitoring, weekly life skills classes, weekly Recovery-101 groups, weekly house meetings, financial management classes, urinalysis screening, and mandatory 12-step meeting attendance. Residents are required to work, pay rent, and purchase their own food. The ultimate goal is for the women who complete the RASE project to have gained the skills to remain in sustained, long-term recovery, to maintain employment, to navigate life successfully, and to become productive, contributing members of society. United Way funding assists with the coordination of a “job bank” for residents to utilize, helps facilitate vocational and job readiness groups, and helps provide guidance to each resident to determine the best type of employment.

Sadler Health Center

Access to Medical Services for Low Income Patients (H)

Sadler’s mission is to advance the health of the community by providing inclusive, high-quality and compassionate care. Services include comprehensive community-based primary medical care, dental care, behavioral health services, and a variety of support services.  All of our services are available to everyone regardless of their ability to pay. Many patients are uninsured, underinsured, or low-income individuals and families. A sliding fee discount program is available to all patients, which offers a reduction to the bill based on household size and income.

Safe Harbour

James Wilson Shelter Program (S)

This program provides housing and support services designed to create a connection between temporary shelter and permanent housing. The temporary shelter at the James Wilson facility is available to homeless individuals and families. The assistance offered to residents attempts to disrupt the cycle of homelessness and help them increase their emotional and physical stability, life and employment skills, and self-esteem. By providing a safe environment, counsel, and community agency references, Safe Harbour helps residents so that they no longer must live “crisis to crisis”.

Salvation Army

My Brother’s Table (S)

MBT offers a meal, 365 days a year, to anyone living in the Greater Carlisle area, including residents living in our housing programs. It strives to eliminate the difficult choice between choosing to pay for food, utility bills, and medical care. My Brother’s Table relies on volunteers from the community, service organizations, schools, and churches.

Senior Action Center (S)

The Senior Action Center was designed to provide services to the elderly population of Cumberland County by offering a wide variety of programs, activities, and congregate meals. Programs include exercise, travel, the visual arts, computer literacy training, and health updates which are designed to meet the educational, social, and spiritual needs of today’s seniors. The primary goal of the SAC is to prolong independent living as long as possible.

Social Services (S)

The social services program provides assistance to men, women, and families living on a low or fixed income or who are faced with a crisis situation caused by loss of income, relocation, illness, or other unforeseen circumstances. In any of the aforementioned situations, a persons’ ability to meet basic needs becomes challenging. We address these areas by providing services that include: choice pantry, transportation assistance, hygiene and cleaning supplies, household and clothing vouchers, affordable permanent housing, and referrals to other agencies.

Supportive Partnerships for Youth (SPY)


SPY is a year-round experience that enriches the lives of children who are in need, both socially and economically. SPY participants are elementary-age children who have been identified by their school counselors as “at-risk” students who need structure and educational enrichment during the summer and would benefit from consistent nurturing, positive adult relationships.  SPY provides educational and recreational activities that develop academic and executive functioning skills, enhance community and self-awareness, heighten self-esteem and instill positive character traits.  SPY campers engage in fun educational activities, creative expression, trips to the pool and library and unique experiences both on and off site.  A nutritious breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack are also provided daily.

UCP of Central PA

Community Participation Supports (H)

Community Participation Supports is designed to support individuals with an Intellectual and Developmental Disability or Autism in developing and sustaining a range of valued social roles and relationships; building natural supports; increasing independence; increasing potential for employment; and experiencing meaningful community participation and inclusion.

Services result in active, valued participation in a broad range of integrated activities that build on the participant’s interests, preferences, gifts, and strengths while reflecting his or her desired outcomes related to employment, community involvement and membership through:

  • Activities designed to develop skills and competencies necessary to pursue volunteer opportunities and/or competitive integrated employment
  • Participation in activities that provide purpose and responsibility (grocery shopping, cooking)
  • Community activities promoting hobbies/cultural interests/leisure (exercising, cooking classes, art classes)
  • Fine and gross motor development/mobility (walking, bowling, crafting)
  • Community volunteer opportunities

Family Support Services (H)

Family Support Services offers a broad system of support for parents, siblings, and extended family of a child from birth through adulthood with any type of disability. Services include sibling support activities, family networking activities, evening respite, connecting families to local resources, and training. The family unit as a whole is strengthened when the unique needs of each family member are met. We equip families to live with a greater degree of independence, we empower them to live richer, fuller lives.

Early Intervention (H)

Early Intervention services help young children with disabilities achieve their goals in cognitive, social/emotional, communicative, adaptive, and physical development. Services may include occupational, physical, speech, developmental, and/or nutritional therapies. Most early intervention services take place in the home or at childcare facilities in the local community. Services help young children reach their potential.

YWCA Carlisle

Little Wonders Preschool (E)

Little Wonders Preschool specifically recruits children living in families with low incomes. The curriculum is designed to prepare them for kindergarten while providing them with a safe and stimulating preschool experience. Little Wonders teaches socialization skills, language development, cognitive development, and both large and small muscle skills coordination with a focus on the standards set by the PA Department of Education.

Sexual Assault/Rape Crisis Services (S)

This program includes a 24-hour hotline, accompaniment to legal & medical proceedings, counseling and support groups, and advocacy on behalf of victim/survivors of sexual assault and their significant others. In addition, the staff presents prevention/education programs to students Cumberland County schools and college campuses, and to local businesses looking to educate staff on advocating for themselves and their customers.

Community Youth Education (E)

Community Youth Education curriculum is designed to focus on literacy, STEAM, empowerment, and racial-justice in age-appropriate and fun ways for children, from elementary to high school. Programs are open to all children, regardless of gender identity, with the goal of giving students the tools they need to achieve academic and personal success, understand themselves and the world around them, develop future-oriented goals and recognize the influence of gender and racial stereotypes within society.

Community Youth Education includes signature YWCA programs such as Empower & Equip, After the Bell, STEAM Queens, and Growing Opportunities at Grandview Court. This programming further provides academic and social support services for students so that they are equipped to grow into capable, mature adults.

Violence prevention and diversity & inclusion are foundational aspects of YWCA Carlisle’s programs, and the program utilizes specialized topical curricula such as Bystander Intervention, Microagression Awareness, Body Safety, Healthy Relationships, Gender Stereotypes, and Healthy Masculinity to address relevant social and cultural issues.

YWCA Carlisle’s Community Youth Education programming is designed to benefit at-risk adolescent students in Cumberland County that are in danger of dropping out due to the influence of a variety of factors, including academic challenges, relational aggression, drug and alcohol abuse, bullying, and/or teen pregnancy. Community Youth Education is constantly evolving to meet the unique needs of its participants.