Category: Community Impact

United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County

Book Your Child’s Future MAKEUP DATE MARCH 5th

This is a free family event open to the whole community at the Bosler Library. Looking to enroll your son/daughter in summer camp? Need information about Kindergarten registration, childcare or preschool programs? If you answered yes to any of all of these questions, you should attend the information fair hosted by Success By 6 (a…
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Day of Caring: Huge Success!

Thank you to our 450+ volunteers for making this one of the largest Day of Caring events ever! Volunteer teams were comprised of employees, business and government leaders and other community-minded citizens. These teams completed nearly 50 local projects, including painting, cleaning, mulching, reading in elementary schools, and many other critical tasks that benefited participating organizations!…
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Day of Caring Friday Oct.6th. OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED

Staff will all be out in the field Friday, working in the community for Day of Caring, so our offices will be closed.  If you  need to reach us on Friday, October 6th we will be  at Allison Hall, 99 Mooreland Ave., on the Dickinson College Campus bright and early setting up for our 8am start.…
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