Women United

United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County

Part of a national network, Women United is engaging women of all ages and backgrounds to find solutions that create measurable change in their community and impact issues that matter to women.

Our mission is to improve the lives of women and children in the greater Carlisle community. Through fundraising events, service projects, and social opportunities, we will mobilize the caring power of women.


By joining Women United:

•You will have an opportunity to impact the lives of local residents.

•You will learn more about critical issues facing our community.

•You will connect with active, civic-minded women.

•You will have opportunities for professional and leadership development, though enriching events.

•You will have the opportunity to participate in volunteer and celebratory events.

Women whose household donates $500 or more are eligible to become members of Women United.

For more information, please contact us at 717-243-4805.



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