United Way of Carlisle and Cumberland County

What Is ALICE?

United Way of Pennsylvania launched a statewide data project, ALICE, which provides a comprehensive measure of financial hardship across our state. ALICE stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. The ALICE report tells the story of our community members who are going to work, but are still struggling to survive, through a standardized methodology that assesses the cost of living in every county. ALICE is our neighbors, friends and family who may earn more than the official Federal Poverty Level, but still cannot afford the basic necessities for their family. ALICE lives in every county in Pennsylvania. Equipped with this data, the Pennsylvania network of United Ways will convene, advocate and innovate in our local communities to highlight the issues faced by ALICE households, and to generate solutions that help them on their path to financial stability.

Meet the Stackfield Family from Carlisle PA