How You Can Help Victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma

United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County

How You Can Help Victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma

Over the past couple of weeks, there has been an outpouring of support for victims of Hurricane Harvey; and after this weekend’s widespread destruction from Hurricane Irma, we’ve heard from many people asking how they can contribute to helping with immediate needs and supporting mid- to long-term recovery efforts in the areas affected by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.

In order to keep it as simple as possible for donors, United Way Worldwide has created one GIVE page, and donors can select to support (1) Harvey, (2) Irma, or (3) the hurricane-affected region where it’s most needed. From there, donors can find links to specific information about the United Way Harvey Recovery Fund and the United Way Irma Recovery Fund, with more details on each storm and the individual local United Way funds.

To give to the Recovery efforts or find more information, please visit  As part of United Way’s mission to build stronger communities, and to fight for the health and safety of every person in every community, United Ways in the affected areas will continue to raise money locally and respond to emerging needs as appropriate for their community. The national fund will complement those efforts and provide a single clearinghouse for individual and corporate donors who want to impact all affected areas.  100% of individual donations given to the national recovery funds will be distributed to local United Ways in the affected areas.

If you prefer to make your gift through your local United Way campaign, please indicate on your pledge form or check which Hurricane Recovery Fund you would like to support and make your check payable to United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County.  100% of the funds collected locally will be directed to United Ways leading long-term efforts in the affected areas.  

Thank you for helping the victims of these tragic natural disasters.