Thank You for Helping Us Exceed Our Goal!
Thank you so much for helping us exceed our $1.4 million goal by raising $1,406,058 during the 2014 annual campaign! The total was announced by campaign co-chairs, Rena Geesaman and Joel Flinchbaugh, at the Celebration breakfast on January 15th, sponsored by Giant Food Stores.
Also at the event, Susquehanna Bank presented the United Way with a $50,000 check from their matching grant challenge. The challenge resulted in over $149,000 in qualifying match donations!
The following companies received awards:
Campaign Award of Excellence
100 or less employees: Tuckey Companies
100-500 employees: Allen Distribution
500+ employees: Ahold USA Retail & Ahold Financial Services
Division Chairman Award
Business & Healthcare: Carlisle Regional Medical Center
Community Service & Non-Profit: Carlisle Family YMCA
Construction Trades: Tuckey Companies
Financial Sector: Susquehanna Bank
Manufacturing: Frog, Switch & Mfg. Co.
Public Sector & Education: Dickinson College
Retail: Giant Food Stores
Transportation: Keen Transport
Warehouse & Distribution: Allen Distribution
Trailblazer Award (Best New Campaign)
AllBetterCare Urgent Care Center
Most Improved Campaign Award
South Middleton School District
Special Event Recognition
Ahold USA Retail & Ahold Financial Services
Carlisle Regional Medical Center
County of Cumberland
Dickinson College
Frog, Switch & Manufacturing Co.
Mountz Jewelers