Volunteer in the Days of Caring

United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County

Volunteer in the Days of Caring

We are looking for volunteers to give their time and hearts to community service projects during United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County’s Days of Caring on either October 12 or 13th. The Days of Caring are an opportunity for people to donate a morning to help local non-profit organizations complete much needed work projects, while at the same time getting to know more about the needs of their neighbors and the many human service organizations working to meet those needs in the Greater Carlisle community.

The event is held on two separate days in order for the entire community to have an opportunity to participate. On Friday, October 12 volunteers will kick-off by meeting at 8:00 at the Anita Tuvin Schlecter Auditorium on the campus of Dickinson College. Once there your team can assemble, pick-up your Day of Caring shirts (given to the first 300 volunteers), and get final instructions on project assignment. By 8:30 AM everyone should be off to work  and completing their projects around noon. Volunteers are then invited to the United Way’s (free) Campaign Update luncheon beginning at 12pm.

On Saturday, October 13 we are holding a special Day of Caring for Families and volunteers unable to participate on Friday. We will meet at Carlisle Regional Medical Center at 8 AM to kick-off, enjoy a continental breakfast, and distribute t-shirts before beginning project assignments.

To sign up or to get more information contact Barrie Ann George, Community Impact Director at 243-4805 or brigid@carlisleunitedway.org

Thank you to all willing volunteers. At this point registration for Days of Caring is officially closed.  Please plan to join us next year!