United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County


  • What do we do at the United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County?
  • Who are your Partner Agencies? What are the funded programs?
  • How does United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County decide who gets to be a Partner Agency?
  • What percentage of my donation actually goes into our community?
  • How do I know that my gift is spent wisely?
  • I am on a tight budget. How can I afford to give more?
  • What if I have concerns about one of your partner agencies and don’t want to give to them, but I support the work of the others?
  • Are there requirements for the Partner Agencies?
  • Why should I give to United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County instead of directly to an agency?
  • Who runs the United Way?
  • What are Community Impact Panels? What is Community Impact?
  • What footprint does United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County serve?
  • What are undesignated funds?
  • Does designation hurt Carlisle & Cumberland County partner agencies?
  • What is the Community Impact Fund?
  • Does United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County fund abortion?
  • What is United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland’s position on forcing people to give?

What do we do at the United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County?

We are a non-profit organization whose mission is to unite people and resources to create a stronger, healthier Carlisle & Cumberland County.

Through the work of our community impact panels, made up of local people like you, and our board of directors, we evaluate community needs, as well as human services in the area. We help local non-profit organizations (Partner Agencies) by funding programs that meet those community needs. This funding helps them meet budget needs for specific programs, enabling agency staff to focus on providing services rather than raising funds.

Who are your Partner Agencies? What are the funded programs?

Here is a list of our 23 partner agencies.

Here is a list of our 35 partner agency programs.

How does United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County decide who gets to be a Partner Agency?

All non-profit agencies, with programs serving in one or more of our four focus areas (Health, Education  & Financial Stability) in the Carlisle & Cumberland County footprint have the right to apply to be a partner. Applications are thoroughly reviewed through a process that includes community volunteers, staff, and the board of directors.

What percentage of my donation actually goes into our community?

ALL of it! 100% of your undesignated contributions fund 35 programs right here in Carlisle & Cumberland County.

Our organization is fortunate to have two companies who support us by helping to underwrite our overhead costs, including fundraising and administrative expenses.  Because of their commitment to United Way, our endowment fund, and our Dickinson U-Turn Community Yard Sale, we are able to put your dollars right back into our community.

100% Guarantee Corporate Sponsors help to cover all underwriting our administrative costs are: Allen Distribution and M&T Bank.

How do I know that my gift is spent wisely?

Approximately 50 volunteers from the community and the UWCCC Board (representing all donors) make up our Community Impact Panels. They study agency budgets, audits, programs, goals and achievements each year along with our Community Needs Assessment performed in 2018. These volunteers work diligently to determine allocations for the coming year based on the assessments of our community needs, and the proposed partner agency program’s ability to meet that need.

The Community Needs Assessment study, performed by Shippensburg University, is available here.

The financial records of United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County and of the charities it supports must be reviewed annually by independent CPA auditors, who review them in accordance with United Way Worldwide guidelines.

In addition, United Way requires partner agencies and programs to submit bi-annual reports that include progress on outcome measurements & budgets.

In summary, United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County carefully monitors community needs, meets with local health and human service agencies, reviews each agency’s requests for program funding, and invests your contribution in programs that do the most good and help the most people.

I am on a tight budget. How can I afford to give more?

There is no minimum pledge for gifts to United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County, and each contribution makes a difference in someone’s life. If your employer offers payroll deduction, you can spread your gift over the coming year, making it more manageable than a one-time donation. Remember, every gift counts, and we are thankful for anything you can do!

Volunteer!  If a financial gift isn’t possible, you may want to consider a gift of time or talent. We welcome volunteers who have the passion, expertise, and resources to get things done. Simply call our office to find out how: 717-243-4805.

What if I have concerns about one of your partner agencies and don’t want to give to them, but I support the work of the others?

Omit!  We respect the right of everyone to decide where to invest their gift and we respectfully honor your right to omit an agency.  You may indicate the omission when you make your gift, and we honor that in the allocations process.

Are there requirements for the Partner Agencies?

After completing a full application each year, including financial review and presentation of their annual audit, all partner agencies are asked to sign and agree to honor a “Partner Agency Agreement,” as well as submit bi-annual reports on the specific programs receiving funds from UWCCC.

Why should I give to United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County instead of directly to an agency?

Health and human services issues facing our community require more than one solution. By contributing to United Way, you efficiently fund a network of local health and human services. United Way is the only non-profit organization that continually assesses the needs of the entire community by developing, funding and identifying a wide range of solutions. We address needs in four focus areas: health, education, & financial stability.  As an individual, your dollars are used purposefully to impact all areas of need in this community.  If everyone gave funds to just one cause, such as food for the hungry, there would be an overabundance of food, but insufficient funds to support an emergency shelter, quality childcare facilities, safe and educational after-school programs, access to medical care, or shelter for victims of domestic violence.

Investments focus on the root of the problem, making long-term, systematic change. United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County is bringing the community together, building partnerships, forging consensus and leveraging resources to make a measurable difference.

Who runs the United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County?

Local people like you.  The volunteer Board of Directors is composed of no more than 28 men and women from all segments of our area, including representatives from businesses, schools, hospitals, etc.  This board has the final say on which agencies are funded, fund drive goals, allocation of the money, and expenditures.

Our office is located at 145 S. Hanover Street, Carlisle, PA  17013.

What are Community Impact Panels?

Local panels made up of approximately 50 volunteers from the community and the United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County Board (representing all donors) make up our Community Impact Panels. They study agency budgets, audits, programs, goals and achievements each year along with our Community Needs Assessment (performed in 2018 by Shippensburg University) These volunteers work diligently to determine allocations for the coming year based on the assessments of our community needs, and the proposed partner agency program’s ability to meet that need.

What footprint does United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County serve?

United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County serves those who live and/or work in Carlisle, New Kingston, Mount Holly Springs, Boiling Springs, Plainfield and Newville.

What are undesignated funds?

Donors do have the option to designate some or all of their money to any 501(c)(3) organization. These funds are removed from the community impact fund and are designated as the donor wishes. This action reduces the overall dollars slated for our 23 partner agencies.

NOTE: A designated gift to a 501(c)(3) organization that is NOT one of our 23 partners is assessed a 12% administrative fee. Corporate sponsorships that enable the 100% guarantee only apply to dollars in our Community Impact Fund (Our 23 partner agencies & 35 programs).

Does designation hurt Carlisle & Cumberland County?

Sometimes!  When dollars are designated outside of our community, it does reduce the bottom line of what we have to distribute to this community.

health, education, and financial stability), you can designate to that particular area in our general community fund.  This ensures that the work you are passionate about is done right here in Carlisle & Cumberland County, and your dollars remain here at home.

What is the Community Impact Fund?

This is our term for the general campaign fund. Investing in United Way’s Community Impact Fund has the greatest local impact.  Local volunteers—you and your neighbors—review human service needs in our community identified through the results of recent and relevant community needs assessments.  The funds are distributed to programs that demonstrate the ability to meet the most critical needs of our community.  Gifts without designation will be directed to this fund.

Does United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County fund abortion?

No partner agency or program of United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County funds abortion.

All of the programs that we fund can be found here.

 What is United Way’s position on forcing people to give?

Giving is a personal matter and decision, therefore no form of coercion is acceptable to the United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County. Our organization does not condone any use of coercion in our campaigns. Any semblance of pressure – whether real, implied, or perceived – is contradictory to the operating standards of the United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland County. In addition, no services provided by a United Way partner agency will be denied due to the recipient’s inability or unwillingness to make a donation to the United Way.